Monday Mantra 81

September 29, 2014

"I make the most of all that comes and least of all that goes." - Sara Teasdale

Balancing and integrating, striving and creating with "all that comes," we face our daily challenges. A great deal of what comes our way, of what the world serves up to us, seems personal, difficult. But if we look closely we realize all victories and joys are balanced with loss and challenges. Some of the time we feel that the balance is NOT in our favor! THE GIFT of life's many challenges is to learn to use every moment MINDFULLY and "make the most" of today. "Make the most of all that comes," trains our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits to not resist changes, shifts, disappointments and even grief. We learn to find a TRUE CENTER where we are ourselves, authentic and strong.

That TRUE SELF allows us to "LET GO OF THE "LEAST" and open ourselves to the clear creativity and courage that allows us to face again and again, whatever THIS DAY brings.

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