We wake up this morning to the usual alarms of quick, loud, and sharp bells. Before we can get our morning stretch and yawn in, our mind had started the usual chatter: “Today’s events: Do this! Go There! OH NO! What’s today? I can’t be late! Shoot, I forgot to do x-y-z. Damn, I am not organized!” Doing so, we jump OUT of whatever we were doing, like stretching, yawning, or taking time to log dreams, to get ahead or create an issue to distract ourselves with.
This is constant for most of us, something happens and we react. Most of the time we react by running away or running to it. Instead of taking the time to stop and stay center within ourselves, we tend to pour energy, outwardly, to find a solution to keep us feeling “balanced.”
In a world of busyness, we are torn away from internal self check-ins, where we are able to just stop, sit, and be WITHOUT having to do more than that. Our egos separate our bodies from emotions to avoid feeling pain and discomfort. Because we don’t allow ourselves to see the full picture, we tend to problem solve by both end of extremes. On one side, we cling to what we already know or attach to false certainty and reject change. On the other, we run towards everything and anything that will distract us from this unfamiliar frightening feeling.
We often repeat these behaviors while expecting different results.