Rise Up!

Kind words




Dana C. – Lawyer, Life Coach, Mother of 3

Saturday was truly amazing, and I want to express my deep appreciation for your time and devotion to my personal transformation. Your program was like alchemy. As I drove home, I truly felt as though my cells had been rearranged in a way that made much more sense to me — new and yet totally familiar all at once. Clearly you are a transformation wizard. I am so blessed to know you, and to be the recipient of your love and wisdom. Thank you, thank you, thank you. xoxo

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Stuart T. – FDA Lawyer Placement Expert, Career Coach

Bobbie has a teacher's mind with the practicality and energy of a super successful business person. She inspires, absorbs, feeds back and moves you forward at whatever pace you're ready to move. There are not enough hours in the day for her to apply her intuition and strengths to all those that want it. I consider myself lucky to have had her help me clarify my goals and assist me in achieving them.

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Rita A. – Mother, Wife, Business Owner

Bobbie – THANK YOU for introducing me to Rise Up! After 2 days, I felt like I got an emotional and physical work out. And I returned home with a renewed sense of purpose! This is truly a remarkable and unique system; your introspective exercises, real-life examples, and tools have empowered me to uncover my strengths and potential and to let them shine… a transformational experience on multiple levels!

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Liesel R. – Intuitive Relationship Coach, Wife, Mother

Bobbie McMorrow is truly an amazing influence in my life. She compassionately cuts right through to the core of any issue or block and holds me accountable to be my highest and best self. Bobbie has such a clear vision of who I really am and because of her reflection, I’m able to see enormous possibilities for my life and career that were previously unimaginable. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Bobbie is truly blessed.

Liesel R. – Intuitive Relationship Coach, Wife, Mother

Deanna C. – Consultant

Bobbie changes lives! When I was in need of a career transition and stuck in fear her process helped me break through and redesign my life around my authentic needs and unique skills. I’ve never looked back and my life – while not perfect – feels wholly mine.

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Nancy M. – Marketing Professional, Strategic Consultant, Wife, Step-Mother

1 year ago was the beginning of a dark period in my life, both physically and mentally. I met Bobbie for the first time at the “Women in Transition” weekend in the early stages of this dark period. She had a way of speaking that just drew me in and made me truly think about myself in a different way.

She embraced me as a loving friend from the beginning. She sent me emails during this difficult time that had layers of information and insights that unfolded each time I read them.

Bobbie has a deep, grounded intuition for understanding people personally and professionally. One of her greatest gifts is her kind words of advice that seem simple, yet are quite profound.

Bobbie was instrumental in helping rebuild myself to be the stronger woman I am today.

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