Rise Up!


By definition:

Choosing gratitude, we find The Golden Thread of life’s gifts; we refuse despair and remain open to surprise and awe. Our hearts and minds pay us back by allowing in possibility and opportunity!


Does this sound familiar?


“I come from a family that’s known prejudice and alienation. I was raised in the anxious tribe: this holocaust or another, the next tragedy, tears rather than laughs, and constant warnings followed by never-ending stories of deceit, worry and false friends. We’re also a highly educated family. You’d think someone would have searched for a better way! But the family system thrived on ‘outsiders keep out; insiders stay in; only WE can understand one another! Do not change”.

The terrible and wonderful fact about crisis and tragedy is that they’re as common as dirt. We can’t create barriers to suffering, pain, disappointments or tragedies. When life shakes up our “perfect picture” and smears hope and expectations it has the double whammy of destroying our belief that, “Every experience can lead to opportunity”. Of course, in dark times, it’s far more challenging to find possibility and keep our spirits and emotions positive.

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Why “Go to Gratitude?"

Being grateful relaxes our bodies and floods us with positive endorphins and healing hormones. Our mind clears; our breathing becomes steady; feelings of calm, joy and even buoyancy are natural by products of gratitude. Practicing gratitude makes it hard to feel victimized, disappointed or discouraged.

This practice helps us feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve our health, deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships.


The Benefits of “Going to Gratitude”


resilience. We don’t deny the truth of life as it is; we choose to follow The Golden Thread and create a new tapestry. Positive internal and external responses follow, no matter what other challenge is present!

When gratitude becomes a habit, a natural response to ordinary AND extraordinary times, it defies sadness, guilt, worry, and fear. Recognizing all that you have to be thankful for, even during the worst time, fosters

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Practice “Going to Gratitude”

Below are some exercises that give you an opportunity to practice the art of “going to gratitude.”
