Monday Mantra 99
January 26, 2015
To Change One’s Life:
1. Start Immediately;2. Do it Flamboyantly;3. NO Exceptions" - William James
No time like the present and besides, THE PRESENT is all we have! If you commit to a CHANGE that transforms your life don’t hesitate. LIVE OUT LOUD! You are the only one just like you, so you may as well “do it flamboyantly,” in living color and moving full steam ahead. If the first plan doesn’t work count it as a valuable lesson; LEARN from it but don’t lick your wounds, it takes too much time away from your next courageous ACT! Don’t allow “exceptions,” you DO have the energy, intelligence, and wherewithal to make that change powerful and real and see it to completion. DO IT NOW; inspire yourself and you inspire the rest of us with you.