Monday Mantra 97

December 22, 2014

“I love the LIGHT for it shows the WAY, yet I will endure the DARKNESS because it shows me the STARS.” - Og Mandino

To share your LIGHT, be delightful! To “LIGHT the WAY,” shine brightly even when life’s sadness, limitations or disappointments try to steal your glow. This Season, commit to BEING the LIGHT we all need to illuminate the darkness. BE the GIVER of the LOVE you hope to receive and BE the GENEROSITY that spreads AMAZING GRACE. “Endure the DARKNESS” knowing we are all made from the “stuff of stars” and TOGETHER, we humans, although sometimes weak, confused, selfish or lost are the best hope for PEACE. Together, united, we are the greatest force for GOOD and BALANCED SOLUTIONS! Be the LIGHT and you will BE the Solution and each star will guide us all home.

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