Monday Mantra 96

January 12, 2015

"It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness, it can also be confusing, disorientating and painful." - Adrienne Rick

IT IS a brilliant time, OUR TIME, to create and re-create centuries of prejudice, restrictions, wrong laws and bad attitudes. Worldwide cultures are changing to allow for the best understanding of diversity, of open minded, open-hearted compassion to grow and be of influence. YET at times of great change, IT IS SO OFTEN “confusing, disorienting and painful.” CHANGE IS A GUARANTEED NATURAL LAW. TRANSFORMATION uses change to create something wholly new. An “Awakening Consciousness” is a long, difficult, super charged and challenging process. It is “exhilarating” to play a part in a TRANSFORMATIONAL time; but the “wins” don’t come easily and, in fact, may tear up so much of our past we don’t fully recognize our lives and ourselves. BUT, AWAKENING is inevitably full of promise; and it is worth the energy to play a role in opening the windows and doors, allowing the fresh air of the “awakening consciousness” into the world. THAT awakening takes place first in our own hearts and minds. The courage and joy of ONE awakened mind and heart influences ALL the potentialities of global awakening. BE EXHILERATED and wake up!

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